Drawn with a pen, then cut with a laser. This project started with a simple drawing made on a post-it and printed in my mind when researching on analogies between the ceramic oven and the bbq. I used the scanned version on the poster communicating the event paper kiln for clay barbecue. Then I collaborated with my family metal laser cut company in the south of France to produce the functional barbecue grid it was supposed to illustrate.
Drawn with a pen, then cut with a laser. This project started with a simple drawing made on a post-it and printed in my mind when researching on analogies between the ceramic oven and the bbq. I used the scanned version on the poster communicating the event paper kiln for clay barbecue. Then I collaborated with my family metal laser cut company in the south of France to produce the functional barbecue grid it was supposed to illustrate.

Love Hotel exhibition, with ceramic by Livia Spingia
Crédits photo Florine Thiebaud